What is a ryokan?
I have been assisting a company that is trying to import Japanese soaking tubs into the States. The head person from Japan offered to put me up at a ryokan in Toba, Mie-ken that uses these tubs, so I can experience them (along with experience Japanese hospitality).
We arranged to meet up Friday, so I headed down after class. Arrived at the area after dark, so I didn't have a feel for what it is like. He said that we were right on the ocean.
My expectation of a ryokan is probably something like a Japanese style bed and breakfast. Probably smaller buildings (so only a handful of rooms at most) and Japanese style architecture. When we arrived, I was surprised to see a modern entrance, large lounge, restaurants and karaoke rooms on site, etc., more like I expected for a hotel instead of a ryokan. Place also has 9 stories (though it is on a hill, so only 5 stories stick above the ground), which made it feel more like a hotel.

From this point until when we left the next day, we wore yukata (cotton robes). We had dinner in the room. I guess this is standard for this type and level of ryokan. Multiple courses, including sashimi (tai, ebi, tuna, ikura, etc.), various small plates of food, etc. And this wasn't some American-style room service where they roll in a cart of so-so food. Our meal even included having live abalone cooked on a hibachi grill right in front of us, and both a soup and rice being cooked on little burners on the table. The service was spectacular. Even when the woman who was serving us entered our room, she would kneel on the other side of the shoji door to open it, then get up and enter the room.
The business manager was going to go home after dinner, but then he wouldn't be able to drink (drinking and driving is a very big deal in Japan). So I offered for him to stay the night, which he accepted. Figured I had 2 rooms, so we could have our own rooms. Was surprised when they hotel people laid out the futons in the same room, but figured it wasn't a big deal. But I never figured out why there was a second room, as we never used it.

We hung out in the room for a while and enjoyed the view of the bay (we had an excellent view from the room). Pretty area, except for the open pit mine on an island across the bay. Many of the rafts in the pictures are part of a oyster farm, similar to what we have in Tomales Bay in California. Local oysters were part of our dinner.
So, I guess a ryokan is not so much the building, but instead the type of room and the excellent service.
浴槽をアメリカへ輸入する会社を手伝っている。 社長は鳥羽の旅館に泊まってくださる。その旅館は会社の浴槽がある。
晩ご飯の後、社長は帰るつもりだった。帰るなら、飲めなかった。だから「部屋に泊まらない」と聞いた。2部屋があったので、別々の部屋に寝ると思った。でも旅館員は両方の布団を同じ部屋で布団を敷いた。 少しいびっくりした。大丈夫だった、でも1部屋だけを泊まったので、どうして2部屋があったか分からない。
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