The Tanakas (my host family from 3 years ago) had invited me to a small local matsuri (festival) that was taking place near their house, so I met them there this morning. They had converted a community center building into a shinto shrine for the day. Inside the building, they had offerings of food and sake for the gods (plural) and a shinto priest (dressed like you see on the drama Yoshitsune, if you happen to watch Japanese dramas) on hand. Kids and the parents involved with the ceremony were all wearing Happi coats and milling around. Then they had a small ceremony where they purified the spirits and then there was a lot of picture taking.

After that, the kids split up into groups (with a few parents of course) and were supposed to carry these little portable shrines around the neighborhood. Unfortunately, it had started to rain, so they just walked around the town without the shrines for an hour or so and chanting. From time to time, an older person (younger people didn't seem to do this) would go to their front door and make an offering of money. A couple of kids had a lion's mask and a tail, would go to the person and accept the money in the lion's mouth. Then one of the parents would light off some fire crackers to celebrate the offering or something. The lion and firecrackers reminded me a lot of the Chinese parades.
Was interesting, though I wish it wasn't raining.
"A small matsuri" is...
Is this a kind of "秋祭り", isn't it.
周辺の4つの町ごとにある御輿をぶつけて(attack?! like a much?!)喧嘩させるお祭りです。
秋祭りですか? 分かりません。ごめんなさい。
Shirakawa - The Doburoku festival
Today we head deep into Gifu, but not before making a quick visit to the famous/infamous Tagata Jinja and Oagata Jinja near Komaki in Aichi. From to here we head to Hirugano Kohgen, before continuing to our main destination today - the Shirakawa-go area. We will spend the rest of the day in the World Heritage listed village of Ogimachi, enjoying the atmosphere of the thatched roofs, and interesting attractions such as the Wada House and the Myozenji Museum. The famous Doburoku festival is held today, so there will be some serious fun involving unfiltered sake, dances and so forth. We will return via the Shokawa area and Lake Miboro.
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