I have a bike again
There seems to be a trend with people coming here once, and then returning again at a later point. This is my third time here. The couple I visited at 10,000 Waves spa in Sante Fe have been here at least 4 times. My friend Alex in Kobe was here at least twice. There is another student who started the same day as I who is on his second time here. Lots of repeaters.
That reminds me - the second time I was here, some of the teachers called me "Peter Repeater". I guess they liked how they could make it rhyme.
When I arrived in the dorms, I walked down the hall and bumped into a guy from Korea who I had met when I was first here and has also returned for some more studying.

This bike looks like it is a better bike than the prior Grandma's bike's I have had. For example, this one has 10 or 12 gears, where the prior ones were at most 3. And it is a Bridgestone - my friend Glenn really likes Bridgestone bikes.

勉強した人がもう一度来る流行のようだよ。この旅行は3回目だ。2年前に10,000 Wavesと言うスパーに会った二人は4回目も来た。神戸に住んでいる友達は2回目も来た。いっしょに同じ日に始める学生は前にここで勉強した。沢山もう一度勉強する学生がいる。
このことを思い出す。先生は私がここで2回目の勉強中に「ピーターレピート」と呼んだ。 脚韻のことが好きだろう。
あいにく、かれは勉強を終わっていて、今日帰る。 でも彼のママチャリをくれた。