Razor Ramon HG

He is one of the things I will not miss when I leave Japan.
今レイザーラモンHGは一番有名なアクターと思う。人の服はサンフランシスコのFolsom Street Fairのスタイルだ。腰を振りながら「ヲオオオ」と言っている。
This is my Blog for my experiences studying in Japan from September through November of 2005. I tried to write in both English and Japanese. My studying is over now and I am back in the States, so no new posts are being written.
これは日本で勉強するブログだ。 2005年の9月から11月までいた。 英語と日本語で書くと努めた。 勉強は終わったので、新しい日記を書かない。
Ok, this is scary. There are now Razor Ramon dolls and figures. Even a little one you can atttach to your mobile phone.
And now Razor Ramon is married - to a woman!
If you're a Hard Gay lover, you can watch them all at http://www.hard-gay.org
Hard Gay number one!
HG Ramon rocks! I don't know what you're talking about.
And it was obvious that the whole gay thing was just his act. So him marrying a woman was no surpise to anybody.
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